SAIMOS Control Center 5 subscription
SAIMOS® Control Center 5 subscription plan for 12 month per server. Max. 5 LiDAR devices per server.
SAIMOS Control Center subscription
SAIMOS® Control Center subscription plan for 12 month per server. Unlimited devices.
SAIMOS Face Analytics Pro subscription
SAIMOS® Face Analytics Pro subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Face Analytics Retail subscription
SAIMOS® Face Analytics Retail subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS LPR subscription
SAIMOS® LPR subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Scrambler subscription
SAIMOS® Scrambler subscription plan for 12 month per channel.
SAIMOS Software development services per day.
Travel days are also subject to this rate. Travel and accommodation is not included.
SAIMOS VA Track & Monitor
Object detection with a focus on Real-Time Person Reidentification including alarming.
SAIMOS VA Track & Monitor
SAIMOS® VA Track & Monitor update plan for 12-months per channel